It has been a long-held ambition to go global here at LogicGate and we felt it was high time "we got on with it," as they say across the pond. So that is exactly what Andrew Newbery, Ashley Feffer, and Megan Brown did by hosting LogicGate's first-ever international event with customers, prospects, and partners in the Queen of cities, London.
And what a great feeling it was to spend time networking with our UK friends and colleagues over a delicious breakfast, some great thought leadership discussions, and an err, um, some pub-related activity!
Here are the Top Takeaways From Our UK Trip
The Equiniti Story
We wanted to start big, so we decided to tell the story of our customer, Equiniti. Josh Barron from Equiniti talked about the GRC market and the technology landscape. Using a story allowed attendees to relate to similar issues, and soon the questions and dialogue were flowing. Josh spoke about how Risk Cloud® uniquely meets Equiniti's needs and how it has helped them reap more benefits than they had anticipated. One such benefit was how business process automation added value across multiple departments and processes.
Equiniti's story was a great way to help showcase how organizations can mind the gap between legacy GRC technology and the holistic benefits of a modern platform and processes. This led us to address the emergence of ESG and how Risk Cloud has new Applications ready to support organizations looking for a way to address ESG initiatives from a risk-based approach.
God Save the Queen and Print
We sent attendees home with a hard copy of The Definitive Guide to Risk Quantification eBook and workbook to prove print isn't dead. Our goal was to empower the attendees with foundational risk quantification knowledge and give them a hands-on resource to take back to their teams to start discussions on their maturity journeys and review areas for loss prevention.
Don't Forget the Demo!
Ashley Feffer gave attendees a demo of our new Risk Cloud Quantify® product. Seeing LogicGate's Risk Cloud platform and Risk Cloud Quantify up close resonated and allowed attendees to see behind the scenes and spurred questions like, "can you leverage risk quantification directly within Risk Cloud?" The answer is yes, you can!
Some Friendly Competition
In the spirit of other USA vs. UK sporting competitions, we headed to the snooker table!
We played a cue sport game called "Killer." It was a close tournament, and the ultimate winner walked away with a holiday tin of biscuits and the second-place winner with a box of chocolates from the Fortnum and Mason chocolate shop.

Ta London
We want to thank friends both old and new we met on this trip. It was great to meet and network with GRC professionals from around the world to share experiences and make new connections that we have all been so longing for.
London, we'll be back. Rest of the world, you're next!