Risk Cloud API: Export Roles
Updated on: November 14, 2023
Roles correspond to functions within your organization's hierarchy (e.g. Compliance, Audit, IT Operations, etc.) and can contain permission sets and entitlements to define the access of the members of the role.
With the Risk Cloud API, role information including associated entitlements, permission sets, and users can be exported for tracking access or aligning your role structure with external systems.
Obtain your API Access Token to get started, and for more on roles, refer to our Help Center articles Creating Roles and Modular Entitlements for Roles.
Retrieve Roles Endpoint
The Roles API offers the following Retrieve Roles endpoint which return a list of all roles in the Risk Cloud environment.
Retrieve Roles
The response contains a JSON array of all roles in the environment, including information on associated permission sets, entitlements, and users. A sample response in shown below.
{ "id": "y6z7a8b9", "active": true, "created": 1678070118163, "updated": null, "name": "Build Access", "locked": false, "superAdmin": false, "defaultRoleForNewUsers": false, "autoprovisioned": false, "externalId": null, "stepPermissionSets": [ { "id": "u2v3w4x5", "active": true, "created": 1678069970011, "updated": null, "name": "[Quantify] Analysis Reviewer", "locked": false, "defaultStepPermissionSetForNewUsers": false, "permissions": [], "users": [], "application": null, "applicationId": null, "userIds": [] } ], "moduleEntitlements": [ { "type": "MODULE", "created": 1678070118301, "updated": null, "end": { "id": "q8r9s0t1", "active": true, "created": 1517517792850, "updated": 1591623597460, "value": "A_BUILD", "onlyUse": true, "tab": "Application", "name": "Build" }, "operationType": "EDIT", "module": { "id": "q8r9s0t1", "active": true, "created": 1517517792850, "updated": 1591623597460, "value": "A_BUILD", "onlyUse": true, "tab": "Application", "name": "Build" }, "type": "MODULE", "endId": "q8r9s0t1", "startId": null } ], "users": [ { "status": "Active", "id": "m4n5o6p7", "active": true, "created": 1599984017146, "updated": 1699904531204, "email": "[email protected]", "imageS3Key": null, "first": "Jane", "last": "Doe", "roleIds": [ "a1b2c3d4", "e5f7g8h9", "i0j1k2l3" ], "stepPermissionSetIds": [], "empty": false, "idOrTransientId": "m4n5o6p7", "transientIdOrId": "m4n5o6p7" } ], "moduleCount": 14, "userCount": 1 }